Religion Past And Present: Encyclopedia of Theology And Religion (Complete 10 volume set)
Religion Past & Present:, Volume 1 (A-Bhu): Encyclopedia of Theology and Religion by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, Eberhard Jungel (Religion Past and Present: Brill Academic Publishers)
Religion Past and Present, Volume 2 (Bia-Chr) by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, and Eberhard JungelReligion Past & Present: A-Bhu: Encyclopedia of Theology and Religion by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, Eberhard Jungel (Religion Past and Present: Brill Academic Publishers) At this time I’ve only seen the first volume, but this eventually 10 volume set offers a very fundamental survey of Christian religious thought with a reasonable representation of Jewish and Islamic influences. The volumes do not represent Eastern religious traditions except in a once over lightly fashion. I have included the subject areas because it best describes the strengths of this reference book which is in its theological considerations of major religious themes as institutionally defined primarily by Christian dogmatics, secondarily considered is the Jewish tradition, with some nods to the Islamic especially in its historical modes. There are articles on the major non-Western religions but for the most part none are representative or integrated into the theological discussions that the reference chronicles. Perhaps some future edition, where comparative theologies have wrangled with the nature of Buddha and the divine, the paramitas and virtues, the nature of prayer, the rise of Pentecostalism and other features of our global religious outlook.
However if you overlook this lack of balanced broad focus, and instead concentrate on what the reference volumes actually offer, someone seeking elucidation of the major themes and traditions of Western European, especially Germanic, religious engagement will find this reference quite useful. From examining only this first volume it was difficult to gauge to what degree orthodoxy in its Greek and Russian forms are given full scope, nor was it easy to tell how well their theological traditions are integrated into the discussions present.
This English version Religion Past and Present (RPP) is a
translation and adaptation of the fourth edition of Religion in
Geschichte tend Gegenwart (RGG). This work provides the reader with
a depth and breadth of information unmatched by any comparable
theological reference work in the English language. In its
comprehensiveness and through its systematic presentation of the
material, RPP offers a coherent theological vision rooted in the
tradition of modern Protestantism without, however, being bound to
any particular theological school or program. In doing so, it
recalls the tradition of the universal encyclopedia, providing a
compendium of material extending across a wide and diverse range of
disciplines. It covers not only all the major theological
disciplines (biblical studies, church history, systematic theology,
ethics, church law and practical theology) but also allied fields
such as history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, science, law and
economics. In addition, there are a substantial number of entries on
topics in literature, music and the arts. Naturally, the entire
field of religious studies is represented, as is the range of
religious experience found in traditions other than Christianity.
But in addition to its aim of comprehensiveness, RPP strives to be
both international and contemporary, providing the reader with
summary of the state of each discipline at the dawn of the
twenty-first century. Although its language is terse and compact,
befitting an encyclopedia, RPP will appeal to a wide range of
readers. For the sake of readability, abbreviations in the text
have been minimized, and RPP's style follows current academic
convention in following, where appropriate, that of the Society of
Biblical Literature. In short, this is a reference work that
embodies the highest standards of contemporary scholarship without
sacrificing clarity and accessibility.
In the interest of mediating the full depth and scope of
the German work, we have been selective and conservative about
making changes.
We are convinced that readers will benefit from learning
how topics are approached from perspectives which may stand at
variance with their own habits and styles of thought. At the same
time, the work has been selectively adapted to bring out the
international character and intent of the original. This has been
done in the first place by omitting a number of minor articles that
were written primarily for the especially German circumstances of
the original audience. We have also lightly edited some articles in
order to meet the needs of the international reader. In adapting the
work we were guided by the principle: as little as possible, but as
much as necessary. We have, however, been able to add a small number
of new articles, including biographical ones on figures such as
Gerhard Ebeling, Paul Ricoeur, Hans-Georg Gadamer, John Paul II, who
have died since the publication of the German work. In addition, we
have tried to aid the reader by providing information about existing
English editions where available and accessible, including
originally English items which RGG cites only in German translation.
At the same time, we have resisted any temptation to equate
international scholarship with works written in or translated into
English, and the bibliographies contain references to works in all
major European and many non-European languages.
Preface to the Fourth Edition
As the fourth edition is published, the RGG has almost
reached the century mark in its history. Both in their entirety and
as individual articles, the four editions together reflect the 19th
and 20th centuries in a way unmatched by virtually any other
document in the history of religious and theological scholarship.
Alongside the evident differences between the editions, it
is not difficult to see the points of agreement. The planning for
the first edition (1909-1913) in 1904-1906 already linked its intent
to summarize the state of research of the 19th century with an
extension of perspective beyond the traditional primary disciplines,
listed as the history of extra-Christian religion, art and music,
education, the social sciences, church law and church politics, as
well as contemporary Christianity. This basic concept continued to
apply in the subsequent editions, though the overall perspective and
the attention given to individual subject areas were necessarily
subject to change as appropriate.
The preparations for the second edition (1927-1932), which
began shortly after the end of the First World War, amounted almost
to a complete revision. The 1927 Preface lists its aims as
consideration of the new general situation in theology, an
increased emphasis on non-Christian religions and the interplay
between religion and culture (art, literature, philosophy, the
social sciences) as well as an account of the results of scholarly
endeavor thus far, in view of the "dynamism and abundance of
present-day religious and theological life," as it cautiously puts
The third edition (1957-1965) emerged at the time of
European reconstruction after the catastrophe of the Second World
War. It was a result of the new orientation in the church and
theology in view of the collapse that occurred at the end of the
war, a collapse that had left nothing but ruins in the fields of
religion, theology, and the church. A feature of this edition was
the seriousness with which the "Protestant" Christian faith was now
regarded as well as its deliberate location in the increasingly
significant ecumenical movement among the churches. From these
points of view, established wisdom and the recently added reservoir
of knowledge was sifted and set out in accessible order. The fact
that this edition was tailored largely to the prevailing
circumstances in the German-speaking world contributed,
paradoxically enough, to its abiding importance.
It is appropriate here, finally, to point out a further
point of agreement between the editions up to now. All three
editions would never have been possible without the initiative,
risk-accepting courage and resolute commitment of the publishing
house of Mohr Siebeck. The new fourth edition also stands in this
The developments of the last 50 years in the areas of
science and technology have not left the world of religions
untouched. For one thing the general economic upturn and the global
expansion of scholarly research in old and new subject areas have
led to an accumulation of knowledge that would scarcely have been
conceivable in earlier times. Not only this, but on the basis of new
knowledge, methods and perspectives scholarly thinking has itself
undergone radical change, though the extent of these changes and
their effects on the fields of theology and religious studies are
not yet clear. In addition a new ecumenical appreciation of the
problems has established itself.
So what does "completely revised" mean in relation to the
fourth edition? Completely revised, first of all, are the list of
subject areas and the list of entries, though the tracking down of
gaps and overlaps by careful comparison with earlier editions was
only the beginning. The lists of subjects and lemmata then had to be
adjusted to the new scholarly circumstances. New too is the
international perspective in the commissioning of area editors and
authors, extending beyond Europe. For the editors too, this
expansion made the preparatory work a voyage of discovery in less
familiar fields. The journey was longer than expected, and on the
way we learned to appreciate our traveling companions, the area
editors, authors, editors and the publisher. For our part we now
invite readers to discoveries in the variety of articles in the new
The articles take their orientation by the following
I. The fourth edition of RGG, too, sees itself as a
continuation of the aim that began with the first edition to provide
a reference dictionary for theology and religious studies that would
give an account of the essential phenomena of religious and
ecclesiastical life and of the theological reflection pertaining to
this life. Despite all the necessary changes, the traditional
framework of the division of subjects has been largely maintained.
The title, however, has dropped its former definite article, which
was open to misunderstanding. The dictionary is now called "Religion
in Geschichte und Gegenwart".
2. In dealing with the evangelic heart of the Christian
faith, Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart is to be so presented
that readers are informed in the best way possible in the available
space and that they are given the wherewithal to form a balanced
view in relation to other and alien religious realities as well as
their own. The RGG is not committed to any particular theological
tendency or school.
3. The articles should offer a snapshot of the current
state of knowledge, present the relevant methodological issues and
draw attention to open questions and tasks for future research.
4. Regarding the problem of how to refer to the Jewish
Scriptures and the Christian Old Testament in articles and article
headings, a rule was established that should ensure the cooperation
of all authors. Following a number of discussions aimed at
facilitating Christian-Jewish cooperation on biblical texts, an
international compromise solution has emerged which has in the
meantime been acknowledged by all sides and has established itself.
In accordance with this, both Old Testament and Hebrew Bible are
used as standard terms. Authors are free to use either of these
5. In order to avoid imbalance in the compilation or an
arbitrary selection, the fourth edition of RGG has refrained from
including articles on persons who are still alive. Significant
figures in contemporary history may be found in the corresponding
specialized articles via the index.
6. The bibliographical information in RGG has been kept
brief in view of the many possibilities of access to detailed
bibliographies in modern databases. Mention is made of standard
works, text editions, biographies, and special monographs essential
for scholarly work, important journal articles, as well as
references to complete bibliographies in other publications. No
bibliographies are given for the history of interpretation of
biblical books, since these are now available in up-to-date
commentaries and electronic media.
7. Although the home ofRGG is in Germany, from the first
edition on, it has been a feature of the work to take in a
perspective beyond the national boundaries. This orientation will be
reinforced in the fourth edition, so that the dictionary will in
future have an even stronger international profile and also be able
to serve as a source of information for countries beyond Europe.
Subject Areas and Area Editors
Biblical and Christian Archaeology
Hermann Michael Niemann, Rostock, in cooperation
with Guntram Koch, Marburg
Church History: Asia, Africa, Latin America
Klaus Koschorke, Munich, in cooperation with
Johannes Meier, Mainz, Kevin Ward, Leeds, England, and
Martin N. Dreher, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil
Church History: Early Church
Christoph Markschies, Berlin (preparation until
1995: Barbara Aland, Munster)
Church History: Middle Ages and Reformation Ulrich
Köpf, Tubingen
Church History: Europe in Modern Times I
Albrecht Beutel, Münster (until vol.
II: Johannes Wallman, Bochum)
Church History: Europe in Modern Times II
Friedrich Wilhelm Graf, Munich (until
vol. II: Joachim Mehlhausen, Tubingen)
Church History: North America, Great Britain,
Australia, New Zealand
Mark A. Noll, Wheaton, IL (until vol. I: Martin E.
Marty, Chicago, IL)
Church Music and Liturgy
Franz Karl Prathl, Graz, Austria, in cooperation
with Anthony William Ruff, Collegeville, MN (until vol. III:
Don E. Saliers, Atlanta, GA, in cooperation with Robin A.
Leaver, Princeton, NJ; vol. IV: J. Neil Alexander, Atlanta,
Church Law
Christoph Link, Erlangen
Culture, Art, Media, and Religion
Enno Rudolph, Lucerne, Switzerland, in cooperation
with Thomas Schmidt, Gottingen, Reinhard Schmidt-Rost, Bonn,
and Peter Burke, Cambridge, England (until vol. I: Frank
Burch Brown, Indianapolis, IL, in cooperation with Rainer
Volp, Mainz, and Graham Howes, Cambridge, England)
Ecumenism: Catholicism
Peter Neuner, Munich (preparation until 1995:
Werner G. Jeanrond, Lund, Sweden)
Ecumenism: Orthodox Church Karl Christian Felmy,
Erlangen Ecumenism: Reformed Churches
Mark A. Noll, Wheaton, IL (until vol. I: Glenn
Hinson, Richmond, VA)
Christoph Schwöbel, Tubingen Ethics and Related
Social Sciences Eilert Herms, Tubingen
Fundamental Theology
Christoph Schwöbel, Tubingen
History of Religion: Prehistory to the Ancient Near
Manfred Hutter, Bonn (until vol. IV:
Firtz Stolz, Zurich, Switzerland)
History of Religion: Greco-Roman Antiquity Hubert
Cancik, Tubingen
History of Religion: Pre-Islamic Religions, Islam and
Arab Christianity
Josef van Ess, Tubingen
History of Religion: South, Central and East Asia
Hubert Seiwert, Leipzig
History of Religion: Other Religions
Lawrence Sullivan, Notre Dame, IN
Judaism: Early Judaism
Peter Schafer, Berlin and Princeton, NJ, in
cooperation with Klaus Herrmann, Berlin
Judaism: Middle Ages and Modern Times
Michael Brenner, Munich (until vol.
II: Joseph Dan, Jerusalem, Israel and Berlin)
New Testament
Hans-Josef Klauck, Chicago, IL
Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
Eckart Otto, Munich and Pretoria, South Africa
Gunter Figal, Freiburg i.Br. Philosophy of Religion
Christoph Schwöbel, Tubingen
Practical Theology and Related Social Sciences,
Christian Grethlein, Münster (until vol. I:
Friedrich Schweitzer, Tubingen in cooperation with Richard
R. Osmer, Princeton, NJ, and Volker Drehsen, Tubingen)
Religion and Science
Ted Peters, Berkeley, CA (until vol. III: Philip
Hefner, Chicago, IL)
Religious Studies
Manfred Hutter, Bonn (until vol.
IV: Fritz Stolz, Zurich, Switzerland)
Religion Past and Present, Volume
3 (Chu-Deu) by Hans
Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, and Eberhard Jungel
The idea of church is discussed at many levels: theological, philosophical, and political. The understanding of the Church as a specifically Christian theological construct has been neutralized to represent any religious collectivity of people. Still the editorial focus is on the Christian Churches per se.
There is a discussion of the nature of discipleship and the characteristics of Jesus’ message around the imminent coming of the Kingdom of God. A brief history of the Western churches then outlined; followed by a description of the Orthodox churches and Church formations in Asia Africa and Latin America.
Next volume 3 deals with the theological dimensions of the church, especially in the formation of dogmatics. Protestant Catholic views are discussed at length. Practical theology and ethics as well as ecumenical ecclesiastical law and a brief discussion on when it is fitting for church admission each have an entry in this volume. The church as an advocate is discussed as well as the nature of the confessional Church in modern-day Germany. How the church interacts with the media is discussed
The next major section dealing with church treats specifically church and state issues. After a survey history which also includes a section on North America and the development of orthodoxy, the legal, theological and political aspects of church state relations are surveyed. And this is only the first 35 pages!
Church Architecture has an extensive illustrated treatment of 55 pages, inclusive of historical and architectural details development to modern day. Discipline, dues, elections, governance, growth, levies, membership, order, politics, polity, reform, registers, schools, seal, seating, studies, taxes, unity. The churched and unchurched, The Church of England, of Ireland, of South India, and the several Church of God are treated. Major sections are reserved for church history, Music, Song, and music scholarship, church polity, liturgical year, and Church-state agreements.
The following lists of entries are ones I thought especially noteworthy: circumcision, city cult, city mission, civil rights, social class, clergy, climate change, clinical pastoral education, clothing and vestments, cloud of Unknowing, club of Rome, colleges and universities, colonialism and neocolonialism, commandment, common sense realism, communications and communications theory, communism, community, community movement, compassion, concilarism, formula of concord, confession, confirmation, consciousness, consecration, Constantinople, Byzantium, constellations, conversion, Copts, cosmology, council, counter-Reformation, covenant, creation, creed, criminal law, crisis cults, cross / crucifixion, crusades, cult / worship, culture. Dalai Lama description of the office begins the extensive articles for D. Then follows, Damascus, damnation, dance, Darwinism, dasein, days of prayer and repentance, cult of the dead, death, death penalty, Decalogue, dechristianization, decision, deconstruction, deeds and consequences, deism, the demonic, demons and spirits, demythologization, denominations, decent into hell, desire / lack of desire, determinism and indeterminism, deuteronomistic history, Deuteronomy. This selection does not represent the full range of entries, names of cities, states, historic buildings and organizations were not noted.
Here follows a selection of people covered in brief entries, usually less than half a page, or not quite one column: Bernard of Cles, Clare of Assisi, Matthias Claudius, Clement (many), George Albert Coe, Henry Sloane Coffin, Hermann Cohen, Thomas Coke, Samuel Collenbusch, John Coltrane, Confucius, Constantine the Great, Pedro de Cordoba, Hernan Cortes, Isaac de Costa,, Charles Edward Coughlin, Miles Coverdale, William Cowper, Ralph Adams, Cram, David Creamer, August Hermann Cremer, Thomas Cromwell, Samuel Ajayi Crowther, Oscar Cullmann, Franz Cumont,. The D begin toward the end of the volume with several names: Uriel da Costa, Robert Lewis Dabney, Salvador Dali, Dante Alighieri, John Nelson Darby, Petrus Dathenus, Carl Daub, David, Donald Davidson, Robertson Davies, Gustav Adolf Deissmann, Frederick Delius, Alfred Delp, Heinrich Suso Denifle, Jacques Derrida, Johann Deutschmann. This is a smattering of people identifies. Except for important personages such as David, most entries for people are brief and for identification only as it relates to religion.