Total Life Coaching: 50+ Life Lessons, Skills, and Techniques to Enhance Your Practice...and Your Life by Patrick Williams, Lloyd J. Thomas (W. W. Norton & Company) dares to explore and examine every possible realm of human life so that the reader can discover his or her own true authenticity. Whether you are a coach who longs to have the skills, tools and life lessons to help others on their life journey, or if you are that person who dares tackle you own life transformation, you can tuck this book under your arm and be confident that it is the resource you need.
Total Life Coaching by Williams and Thomas is more than just a book. It is an interactive experience in which you will find recipes for living your life more authentically, as well as mastering time-honored lessons that you can bring to your coaching clients. Regardless of the personal coaching techniques or skills you may have learned, you can still become a more effective coach. This book will help you move closer to that goal.
Life coaching is more than a collection of techniques and skills. It is more than something you do. Life coaching reflects who you are—it is your authentic being in action.
Readers of Pat Williams's and Deborah Davis's book, Therapist as Life Coach, know Pat Williams to be a gifted life coach and passionate teacher. Here Williams and colleague and writer, Lloyd J. Thomas, build on this earlier book and share a unique insight into the coaching process. Williams and Thomas show you precisely how to enhance your professional practices through practical and effective life coaching. They also empower you to change your life through the use of the practical information and philosophy presented here.
Total Life Coaching is organized as a series of 52 life lessons, and is designed to be either read cover-to-cover or dipped into, as needed, for assistance when conducting a coaching session. Keeping life's processes on the "message and lesson" level makes living and life coaching much easier as well as more enjoyable. Williams and Thomas guide you step-by-step through the process of learning and coaching these 52 important lessons.
The lessons are organized into eight sections: Creating a Personal Identity; Developing Spirituality and Life Purpose; Enhancing Communication Skills; Living Life with Integrity; Achieving Potential; Learning Cognitive Skills; Creating High-Quality Relationships; and Understanding the Past to Create a Desired Future.
Each lesson is presented as a structured recipe and includes:
The life lesson
The messages contained within the lesson Coaching
objectives for your clients regarding the lesson
What you need to know about the lesson to provide
the framework for coaching it Coaching methods, exercises,
questions, and language for bringing each lesson to your clients
Sample coaching conversations that exemplify the
coach-client dialogue for the coaching of the lesson.
Total Life Coaching is such an easy read and an accessible resource
that you will find it to be a book you will interact with time and
time again. Thanks to Drs. Patrick Williams and Lloyd J Thomas for
sharing their extraordinary messages, tip sheets, assessments,
coaching conversations, quotes, and most of all their life lessons.
It is a Life 101 essential.
Total Life Coaching is a comprehensive volume of well researched and documented practical exercises in 50+ "Life Lessons" from two authors who absolutely know their stuff! Drs. Patrick Williams and Lloyd Thomas are both trained psychologists and Certified Life Coaches who each have a plethora of personal and professional experience, yet write in a clear and concise way that virtually anyone can understand, appreciate and apply. Both the trained coach and the general public can and will find a tremendous opportunity for personal and professional growth and insight from this volume! From Personal Identity and Relationships to Living with greater Integrity and Purpose - this volume encourages the reader to design and live the life they truly desire, and offers sound methods for doing so!
Medical and Psychiatric Comorbidity Over the Course of Life by William W. Eaton (American Psychiatric Publishing) Compiled from presentations given at the 2004 American Psychopathological Association (APPA) annual meeting, Medical and Psychiatric Comorbidity Over the Course of Life reviews the comorbidity of mental and chronic physical syndromes in an epidemiological and life course context, offering fresh insights and identifying crucial clues to the etiology and nosological distinctiveness of both physical and mental disorders.
Once relatively ignored, the study of lifetime comorbidity has the potential to suggest etiological clues and to advance both our understanding of primary diseases and our ability to prevent secondary disorders. The concept of the etiologically relevant period, which begins with the earliest causal action and ends with diagnosis, is vital to the study of comorbidity. In sections focusing on epidemiology, risk factors, mood disorders, emotions and health, and schizophrenia, Medical and Psychiatric Comorbidity Over the Course of Life discusses the critical aspects of the life course characteristics of the etiologically relevant period, including duration and gene action; fetal growth and puberty; point of irreversibility; allostatic burden; and multiple causes throughout the life course.
Medical and Psychiatric Comorbidity Over the Course of Life will prove invaluable for practitioners in general and consultation-liaison psychiatry, family practice and internal medicine, and psychosomatics, behavioral medicine, and health psychology.
Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development edited by Gavin
Bremner, Alan Fogel (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology:
Blackwell Publishers) (Hardcover)
This up-to-date overview of the fast-moving field of infant development covers
all the major areas of interest in terms of research,
applications and policy. Each of the 26 chapters is written by a leading
international researcher and offers a current review of the theory and research
findings in his or her particular area of expertise.
The volume is divided into four sections
on perception and cognition; social, emotional and communicative development;
risk factors in development; and contexts and policy issues. Integration and
coherence across the Handbook are provided by editorial commentaries prefacing
each section.
Contributors to this volume:
John E. Bates, Rachel Barr, Marguerite Barratt, Marc H. Bornstein, J. Gavin Bremner, George Butterworth (deceased), Luigia Camaioni, Joseph J. Campos, Carol O. Eckerman, Anne Fernald, William P. Fifer, Alan Fogel, Sarah L. Friedman, Jill Grose-Fifer, Donna M. Gelfand, Matthew J. Hertenstein, Mark H. Johnson, Jeanne Thibo Karns, Anita Kochanoff, Andrew Lock, Catherine E. Monk, Sally Ozonoff, Karen Peterman, Douglas R. Powell, Gunilla Preisler, Suzanne Randolph, Vasudevi Reddy, Philippe Rochat, Carolyn Rovee-Collier, Alan Slater, Ad W. Smitsman, Milde South, Dale M. Stack, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, Dymphna van den Boom, Theodore D. Wachs, David W. Witherington
Over the last few decades, the field of infancy research has grown exponentially, and as we enter the new millennium we have more information on infant abilities – perceptual, cognitive, and social – than would have been dreamed of 30 or 40 years ago. There is good reason for this growth. For developmental psychologists, there exist vital questions regarding the origins and early manifestation of human abilities that can only be answered by investigating the abilities of infants, sometimes very young infants at that. In addition to questions about the perceptual, cognitive, and social capacities of the newborn, important questions exist regarding the processes underlying the exciting developments in motor skill, memory capacity, and perceptual, emotional, social, and cognitive ability that we see in infancy. The beginnings of communication and language are also detected in infancy. All these developments are of interest in their own right, but are also significant for what they may tell us about the origins and nature of later ability. Additionally, from an applied standpoint, there is growing emphasis on early detection of developmental problems and interventions that may alleviate or even prevent their emergence. These questions and concerns are not new, but their solutions require adequate techniques for studying infant ability.
One thing that makes the field of infancy so exciting today is the fact that investigative techniques are becoming so sophisticated that it sometimes appears that there is now no limit to the questions that can be answered about infant ability, even newborn ability. Additionally, particularly as ultrasound scanning techniques have developed, impressive evidence has been obtained indicating prenatal learning, so that older assumptions about birth as the starting point for psychological development have had to be revised. And the frequent outcome of studies of young infants is that their perceptual and cognitive abilities appear more sophisticated than we ever suspected. However, these findings bring with them a whole new set of questions. For instance, we are faced with why, if 3-month-olds know a great deal about physical reality, they fail to reveal this knowledge in their manual and locomotor actions until they are into their second year. In the last decade, there has been a growing backlash against "rich interpretations" of young infants' ability, with various counter-explanations emerging that treat the young infant's performance as based on relatively low-level perceptual capacities.
One possibility is that these ingenious techniques provide circumstances that amplify infant ability so that it appears more fully formed than it really is. An important advance in social development concerned the proposition that infants' abilities are initially highly fragile and only appear in situations in which adults provide the necessary support for their emergence. Although this sort of interpretation has mainly been applied to infant social development and social influences on infant cognitive development, the conclusions drawn can be similarly applied to the highly structured experimental settings used to investigate early perception and cognition. Thinking here is in its early stages, but it appears that there is a much more exciting alternative to reinterpreting the results of studies of young infants' perceptual and cognitive abilities as revealing only fairly dull low-level perceptual functioning. More probably, these early capacities, though relatively low level, are the developmental precursors of the more fully formed abilities we see later in infancy. These early capacities are initially revealed only in physical and/or social settings that support their appearance. Thus, young infants will walk with the support of a treadmill, reveal sophisticated knowledge of objects in structured experimental settings, and show social competence in interaction with an adult. But it will be many months before these capacities are transformed into abilities that exist independent of the supportive context provided by adults and investigators.
One fascinating challenge for theory-builders is to map out the developmental processes that lead from knowledge that is implicit in the relationship between young infants and the experimental or social setting, to knowledge that can guide the infant's intentional behavior in less structured or supportive settings. In many respects, very young infants appear to be well aware of their physical and social world and, in contrast to earlier theories such as Piaget's, their task is not to construct awareness of the world but to construct means of acting appropriately on the basis of this awareness. Although part of this process may occur as the infant investigates the world for him or herself, there is mounting evidence to indicate that infants gain much from parents in their task of interpreting their awareness. This largely unwitting help from parents appears to include structuring the infant's world of objects, and guiding their actions and emotional responses to objects. Through the process of social referencing, infants learn from their parents how to act and how to feel regarding their physical world.
Here we have only had space to select one or two of the exciting issues in infancy research that we now seem well equipped to investigate further. In this book you will find many other examples of progress being made on important developmental questions, and thus our aim here has been simply to whet the reader's appetite. The handbook contains 26 chapters by leading researchers whose brief was to write an up-to-date advanced-level review of theory and findings in their area of expertise. Chapter topics and authors were selected so as to provide comprehensive coverage of research areas that are currently of central importance in the field, in terms of basic research, applied research, and policy. Our primary criterion in selecting our authors was that they should all be leaders in their fields. In addition, in order to produce a truly international perspective, we sought our experts in a wide range of countries. We believe that the result is a stimulating balance between North American and European perspectives.
The book is organized in four main sections: Part I, Perception and Cognition; Part II, Social, Emotional, and Communicative Development; Part III, Risk Factors in Development; and Part IV, Contexts and Policy Issues. The sections adhere to conventional subdivisions of the discipline. However, both in the chapters themselves and in our editorial introductions to each section, the reader's notice will be brought to examples of the way these subdivisions are being progressively broken down, as accounts are developed that question the distinction between perception and cognition, provide links between social and cognitive development, and indicate the applied implications of basic empirical research.
Our aim has been to make the book accessible to a wide audience. Even though each chapter addresses current issues in a scientifically advanced way, we and the authors have worked hard to achieve a writing style in each chapter that does not depend upon prior knowledge of the field. Given the relatively high level at which chapters are pitched, we anticipate that the handbook will provide a thorough overview of the field that will be particularly attractive to graduate students, to advanced undergraduates, and to university teaching staff who teach infancy research but who either do not research the field or who are confident only in a limited area. We hope it will also be attractive to academics who are looking for a high-level treatment of the field that reviews central theoretical and practical issues and cutting-edge research.
Human Development: A Life-Span View, 4th edition by Robert V. Kail, John C. Cavanaugh (Wadsworth) Fourth Edition provides students with balanced coverage of the entire life span. John C. Cavanaugh's extensive research in gerontology, combined with Robert V. Kail's expertise in childhood and adolescence, result in a textbook that presents complete and balanced coverage of all life stages. Utilizing a modified chronological approach, the authors trace development from conception through late life in sequential order, while also dedicating several chapters to important topical issues pertaining to particular points in the life span. This Fourth Edition includes unparalleled technology integration to help students better understand and remember the enormous amount of information covered in this course.
Excerpt: "To boldly go where no one has gone before" is a phrase familiar to millions of Star Trek fans around the world. The desire to explore the unknown to further our knowledge and understanding is a fundamental characteristic of being human. Boldly going into the unknown is also what each of us does in the course of our development. None of us has been where we are headed; indeed, in a real sense, we create our own destinies.
Human development is both the most fascinating and most complex science there is. Human Development: A Life-Span View, Fourth Edition introduces you to the issues, forces, and outcomes that make us who we are.
Contemporary research and theory on human development consistently emphasize the multidisciplinary approach needed to describe and explain how people change (and how they stay the same) over time. Moreover, the great diversity of people requires an appreciation for individual differences in the course of development. Human Development: A Life-Span View, Fourth Edition incorporates both and aims to address three specific goals:
To provide a comprehensive, yet highly readable, account of human development across the life span.
To provide theoretical and empirical foundations that enable students to become educated and critical interpreters of developmental information. To provide a blend of basic and applied research, as well as controversial topics and emergent trends, to demonstrate connections between the laboratory and life and the dynamic science of human development.
A MODIFIED CHRONOLOGICAL APPROACH The great debate among authors and instructors in the field of human development is whether to take a chronological approach (focusing on functioning at specific stages of the life span, such as infancy, adolescence, and middle adulthood) or a topical approach (following a specific aspect of development, such as personality, throughout the life span). Both approaches have their merits. We have chosen a modified chronological approach that we believe combines the best aspects of both. The overall organization of the text is chronological: We trace development from conception through late life in sequential order and dedicate several chapters to topical issues pertaining to particular points in the life span (such as infancy and early childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late life).
But because the developmental continuity of such topics as social and cognitive development gets lost with narrowly defined, artificial age-stage divisions, we dedicate some chapters to tracing their development over larger segments of the life span. These chapters provide a much more coherent description of important developmental changes, emphasize the fact that development is not easily divided into "slices," and provide students with understandable explications of developmental theories.
BALANCED COVERAGE OF THE ENTIRE LIFE SPAN A primary difference between Human Development: A Life-Span View, Fourth Edition and similar texts is that this book provides a much richer and more complete description of adult development and aging. Following the introductory chapter, the remaining fifteen chapters of the text are evenly divided between childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and aging. This balanced
treatment reflects not only the rapid emergence of adult development and aging as a major emphasis in the science of human development but also a recognition that roughly three-fourths of most people's lives occurs beyond adolescence.
As a reflection of our modified chronological approach, Human Development: A Life-Span View, Fourth Edition is divided into four main parts. After an introduction to the science of human development (Chapter 1), Part 1 includes a discussion of the biological foundations of life (Chapter 2) and development during infancy and early childhood (Chapters 3 –5). Part 2 focuses on development during middle childhood and adolescence (Chapters 6 –9). Part 3 (Chapters 10 –13) focuses on young and middle adulthood. Part 4 examines late adulthood (Chapters 14 and 15), and concludes with a consideration of dying and bereavement (Chapter 16).
THE BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL EMPHASIS Our text provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of research and theory from conception to old age and death. We explicitly adopt the biopsychosocial framework as an organizing theme, describing it in depth in Chapter 1, then integrating it throughout the text—often in combination with other developmental theories.
AN ENGAGING PERSONAL STYLE On several occasions, we communicate our personal involvement with the issues being discussed by providing examples from our own experiences as illustrations of how human development plays itself out in people's lives. Additionally, every major section of a chapter opens with a short vignette, helping to personalize a concept just before it is discussed. Other rich examples are integrated throughout the text narrative and showcased in the Real People feature in nearly every chapter.
EMPHASIS ON INCLUSIVENESS In content coverage, in the personalized examples used, and in the photo program, we emphasize diversity—within the United States and around the world—in ethnicity, gender, race, age, ability, and sexual orientation.
MEDIA LINKS At the end of each chapter are links to the interactive CD-ROM, Life-Span: A Multimedia Introduction to Development, to help students relate chapter topics to content on the CD. Additionally, within the chapters there are links to interactive online exercises related to research discussed in the chapter.
CHANGES IN THE FOURTH EDITION Besides updating the Fourth edition with several hundred new reference citations to works from the past three years, we have made several significant changes. An updated photo program now includes captions so that what they are depicting is clear at a glance, and the figures are now also captioned and numbered to make the information more accessible. To reinforce students' understanding of current research data, new interactive online exercises link the text's Focus on Research boxes (indicated with an icon at the end of the box) to online critical thinking exercises, related articles, and websites on the Book Companion Website ( /). Each of the book's four parts now ends with a two-page Visual Summary. These visual overviews help students reinforce their overall understanding of the material covered in each part of the text before they move on to new topics. The Forces in Action and See For Yourself boxes, which appeared in the Third Edition, have been eliminated to further streamline the material.
Of particular note are these content additions:
Chapter 2 includes new discussion of adjusting to parenthood that includes postpartum depression as well as new material on the value of stimulation (i.e., "massage therapy") for low birth-weight babies.
Chapter 4 has a new section on individual differences in word learning that includes information about bilingualism.
Chapter 6 now includes a section on physical development in middle childhood.
Chapter 7 includes a new section on bullying in middle childhood. Chapter 8's material on anorexia and bulimia has been rewritten entirely and now includes information on eating disorders in boys. Chapter 11 has a new discussion about global patterns of romantic attachment.
Chapter 12 contains expanded international information, such as the United Kingdom's effort at eliminating age discrimination in the workplace by December 2006 and regarding occupational aspirations.
Chapter 14 includes a new section on personal longevity with a link to a life expectancy calculator.
Chapter 16 includes an extensive discussion of the Terri Schiavo case.
To provide an extensive guide to improvements made throughout the Fourth Edition, we continue with a substantial list of changes by chapter.
New Current Controversies feature on stem cell research.
New Spotlight on Research feature on change and stability in life satisfaction. Revised discussions of Vygotsky's theory, meta-analysis, and interpreting a correlation.
Reorganized content presentation so that material on genetic disorders now precedes material on behavioral genetics.
Significantly revised section on "heredity, environment, and development," includes two major parts: behavioral genetics and a section called "paths from genes to behavior" that is organized around four major principles by which genetic information is converted into behavior.
Expanded coverage of the behavioral repertoire of the fetus.
Substantially revised material on "approaches to childbirth."
Added a new subsection called "adjusting to parenthood" that includes postpartum depression as well as new material on the value of stimulation (i.e., "massage therapy") for low birth-weight babies.
Updated description of the BNAS, new information about sleep-related problems (nightmares, sleep walking, bedwetting), new information about incidence and prevention of SIDS in African-American babies, and a much revised description of temperament.
Added new information about infants' perception of music, a much revised account of infants' depth perception, and new information about infants' perception of faces, including a new Spotlight on Research feature. Includes new information about infants' understanding of intentionality.
The description of sensory-motor thinking has been reorganized completely. Expanded discussion of autobiographical memory that is organized around Nelson and Fivush's (2004) new theory.
New subsection on individual differences in word learning that includes information about bilingualism.
Material on growth of attachment has been revamped completely.
Significantly revised material on socialization of altruism.
Added new material on biological influences on gender typing.
Expanded discussion of monitoring now includes metacognition and self-regulated learning.
New material on Sternberg's theory of successful intelligence, emotional intelligence, and stereotype threat.
Added new section devoted to physical development.
New material on influence of socioeconomic status of parental styles as well as a new subsection on the influence of the marital system on children's development.
Revised material on adolescent friendship that includes a new Spotlight on Research feature on friends' influence, much revised material on popular and rejected children, and a new section on "Aggressive Children and their Victims."
I Includes much revised material on environmental contributions to onset of puberty and on the impact of rate of maturation.
I Completely rewritten material on anorexia and bulimia and now includes information on eating disorders in boys.
Extensively revised coverage of influences on adolescents' self-esteem. Revised coverage of romantic relationships, new information about STDs, and substantially revised coverage of sexual coercion, including a new Spotlight on Research.
Rewritten presentation of factors contributing to life-course persistent antisocial behavior.
Updated Real People feature on Britney Spears.
Updated Current Controversies feature on college binge drinking.
Revised discussions of life-style factors, drinking alcohol, nutrition, stereotypes in thinking, the life-story model of personality, and possible selves.
New Spotlight on Research feature on global patterns of romantic attachment. Revised discussions of: friendships in adulthood, love relationships, developmental forces and relationships, cohabitation, marriage, single parents, and divorce.
Updated the Real People feature on changing occupations to find satisfying work.
Revised discussions of mentors, alienation and burnout, traditional and nontraditional occupations, women, and occupational development. Updated statistics on labor force issues.
Expanded international information, such as United Kingdom's effort at eliminating age discrimination in the workplace by December 2006 and regarding occupational aspirations.
New Current Controversies feature on Hormone Replacement Therapy. New Spotlight on Research feature on whether personality in young and middle adulthood changes.
New Real People feature on taking care of an aging parent.
Revised discussions of stress, exercise, applications of practical intelligence, personality traits, and grandparenting.
New section on personal longevity with a link to a life expectancy calculator. Extensively revised Current Controversies feature on older drivers. New Spotlight on Research feature on Montessori techniques as an intervention for people with Alzheimer's disease.
Revised discussions of international population trends, treatment of Parkinson's disease, sleep, nutrition, and updates on Alzheimer's disease.
Revised Current Controversies feature about Social Security to include current political discussions.
Revised discussions of spirituality, retirement, relationships, social security, and Medicare.
New Current Controversies feature on the Terri Schiavo case.
New Real People feature on hospice.
New Spotlight on Research feature on cross-cultural results on dealing with grief over time.
Revised discussions of: definition of death (whole-brain vs. higher brain), euthanasia, and coping with grief.
Three special features are a significant reason why this textbook is so unique. These features are woven seamlessly into the narrative, signaled by a distinct icon for each—not boxed off from the flow of the chapter. The three features are
SPOTLIGHT ON RESEARCH, which emphasize a fuller understanding of the science and scope of life-span development.
CURRENT CONTROVERSIES, which highlight debates over social and developmental issues.
REAL PEOPLE: APPLYING HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, which illustrate the everyday applications of life-span development issues.
These features are described in the How to Use This Book section of Chapter 1, and each one appears in nearly every chapter thereafter.
Among the most important aspects of Human Development: A Life-Span View, Fourth Edition is its exceptional integration of pedagogical features, designed to help students maximize their learning.
Integration of Features and Key Terms. One of the first things you may notice in paging through this text is that the three special features described earlier, which are normally set apart in boxes in other texts (boxes that students often skip!), are integrated directly into the narrative. Continuing with this integrative theme, definitions of key terms are provided in context within the chapter narrative. Key terms themselves are in bold and the definition sentences are in italics. This unrivaled integration is meant to help the student stay focused, providing a seamless presentation of human development across the life span.
Section-by-Section Pedagogy. Each major section (every chapter has four or five) has been carefully crafted: It opens with a set of learning objectives, a vignette, typically includes one or more Think About It questions in the margin encouraging critical thinking, and ends with a set of questions called Test Yourself that reinforces key elements of the section. For easy assignment and to help readers visually organize the material, major units within each chapter are numbered. To provide better clarity and accessibility, figures are now numbered and figures and photos are captioned.
Chapter-by-Chapter Pedagogy. Each chapter opens with a table of contents and a brief Introduction. A Putting It All Together section follows the chapter's final section to tie major chapter themes together (usually referring back to the individuals described in the section vignettes as well), and includes a bulleted, detailed Summary (broken down by section), followed by a list of Key Terms (with page references), and Learn About It (which lists books and websites where students can learn more about human development).
In sum, we believe that our integrated pedagogical system will give the student all the tools she or he needs to comprehend the material and study for tests.
An extensive array of supplemental materials are available to accompany this text. These supplements are designed to make teaching and learning more effective. For more information on any of these resources, please call the Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center at 800-423-0563 or go to
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