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Electronic Business

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications edited by In Lee, Western Illinois University, USA (Information Science Reference)
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Over the course of a few short years, electronic business has advanced from a buzzword to a thriving new channel for the delivery of goods and services and the mediation of financial transactions, shaping the destiny of numerous contemporary enterprises and significantly affecting entire economies worldwide. The rapid pace of advancement and change driven by e-commerce technologies, and the larger fiscal, economic, and sociological implications, have created a need for authoritative research to enhance the grasp of the academic, commercial, and consumer sectors on the full range of opportunities, issues, and challenges.

Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications enhances libraries worldwide through top research compilations from international authors in the field of e-business. This indispensable, 4-volume set contains crucial articles in topic areas such as e-commerce technologies, online marketing, social networking, and virtual business communities. Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications provides libraries with unsurpassed explorations, theories, and applications of e-business as a necessary addition to any library collection.

A complete knowledge of electronic business is becoming a basic, necessary survival tool for life in the 21st century. Due to its enticing promise to expand markets and exponentially increase productivity, electronic business, when realized effectively, can perpetually revolutionize and re-revolutionize the business world as innovations are implemented successfully or unsuccessfully. This potential demands attention from not only researchers in the field, but also from executives, professionals, and even consumers. Electronic business is therefore a vital field with which today's informed person must gain a firm grasp and remain intimately familiar.

In recent years, the applications and technologies generated through e-business have grown in both number and popularity. As a result, researchers, practitioners, and educators have devised a variety of techniques and methodologies to develop, deliver, and, at the same time, evaluate the effectiveness of their use. The explosion of methodologies in the field has created an abundance of new, state-of-the-art literature related to all aspects of this expanding discipline. This body of work allows researchers to learn about the fundamental theories, latest discoveries, and forthcoming trends in the field of e-business.

Constant technological and theoretical innovation challenges researchers to remain informed of and continue to develop and deliver methodologies and techniques utilizing the discipline's latest advancements. In order to provide the most comprehensive, in-depth, and current coverage of all related topics and their applications, as well as to offer a single reference source on all conceptual, methodological, technical, and managerial issues in electronic business, Information Science Reference is pleased to offer a four-volume reference collection on this rapidly growing discipline. This collection aims to empower researchers, practitioners, and students by facilitating their comprehensive understanding of the most critical areas within this field of study.

This collection, entitled Electronic Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, is organized into eight distinct sections which are as follows: 1) Fundamental Concepts and Theories, 2) Development and Design Methodologies, 3) Tools and Technologies, 4) Utilization and Application, 5) Organizational and Social Implications, 6) Managerial Impact, 7) Critical Issues, and 8) Emerging Trends. The following paragraphs provide a summary of what is covered in each section of this multi-volume reference collection.

Section One, Fundamental Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, serves as a founda-tion for this exhaustive reference tool by addressing crucial theories essential to understanding e-business. Some basic topics impacted by this field are examined in this section through articles such as "Identifying E-Business Options" by Albert Boonstra and Bert de Brock. which focuses on the first stages of decision making, identification and ordering of options. This section also features articles which provide the reader with an understanding of a variety of issues including "E-Com Supply Chain and SMEs" by Ron Craig, "Interaction Standards in E-Business" by Stephen Hawk and Weijun Zheng and "B2B E-Business" by Robert J. Mockler, Dorothy G. Dologite and Marc E. Gartenfeld. This section provides useful, general discussions to give reader a clear view of electronic business and its broad development.

Section Two, Development and Design Methodologies, contains in-depth coverage of conceptual architectures and frameworks, providing the reader with a comprehensive understanding of emerging theoretical and conceptual developments within the development and utilization of electronic business. "E-Business Planning and Analysis Framework," by Ben Clegg and Boon Tan, reports on a framework that has been successfully used to analyze the e-business capabilities of an organization with a view to developing their e-capability maturity levels. "A Context-Based and Policy-Driven Method to Design and Develop Composite Web Services," by Zakaria Maamar and Djamal Benslimane, continues the explore design strategies. "B2C Failures: Toward an Innovation Theory Framework" by Anil M. Pandya and Nikhilesh Dholakia provides vital insight in to developing successful frameworks. From chapters such as "Understanding the Development of Free E-Commerce/E-Business Software: A Resource-Based View" by Walt Scacchi and "Designing a CRM-Based E-Government Usability Services Framework: Integrating Internal and External Customers in Public Services" by Yi-Fen Chen, to "Developing an Online Fleet Management Service: AlertDriving.com" by Ron Craig and Detlev Nitsch and "Developing and Delivering Online Courses," by Manohar Madan, this section covers the broad scope of e-business development and design.

Section Three, Tools and Technologies, presents extensive coverage of various tools and technologies and their use in creating and expanding the reaches of electronic business. The unprecedented advancements witnessed in the field of information and communication technology over the last couple of years and their affect the nature and magnitude of B2B interactions and their operational effectiveness and efficiency is explored in "From Operational Dashboards to E-business: Mu ltiagent Formulation of Electronic Contracts" by Tagelsir Mohamed Gasmelseid. The vital implements of e-business are also discussed in "E-Business Commerce Agents and Payment Systems" by Sheng-Uei Guan and in "Application of Agent-base Technology as Coordination and Cooperation in the Supply Chain based e-business" by Golenur Begum Huq and Robyn Lawson. Also discussed in this chapter is the key issue of security. Through chapters such as "Security in Mobile Agent Systems" by Chua Fang Fang and G. Radhamani, "RFID Systems: Applications vs. Security and Privacy Implications" by Dennis M. L. Wong and Raphael C.-W. Phan, and "Business Cases for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies" by Roger Clarke, the technologies and tools required by e-business are thoroughly presented.

Section Four, Utilization and Application, investigates the use and implementation of electronic business technologies in a variety of contexts. Small businesses are one important context for this investigation and the chapter entitled "Small Business Collaboration Through Electronic Marketplaces" by Yin Leng Tan and Linda Macaulay looks at how e-business can impact the economy worldwide through collaboration. Another important application of e-business is discussed in "The Role of Web Sites and E-Commerce in the Development of Global Start-Ups" by Brychan Thomas, Christopher Miller, Gary Packham and Geoff Simmons. "E-Business Adoption in SMEs: Some Preliminary Findings from Electronic Components Industry" by Mark Xu, Ravni Rohatgi and Yanqing Duan, "Adoption of Mobile Technology in the Supply Chain: An Exploratory Cross-Case Analysis" by Bill Doolin and Eman Al Haj Ali, and "Case Study: Service-Oriented Retail Business Information System" by Sam Chung, Zachary Bylin and Sergio Davalos provide real-world examples and analysis vital to implementing successful business strategy and for researchers attempting to expand the field. Overall, this section provides the firm ground of experience and research for readers who wish to navigate through the many dynamic applications of e-business.

Section Five, Organizational and Social Implications, includes a wide range of research pertain-ing to the organizational and cultural implications of electronic business. Not least among these impli-cations is the subject of the chapter "Testing, Measuring, and Diagnosing Web Sites from the Users' Perspective" by Leszek Borzemski, which insightfully considers the tendencies and expectations of website users. This topic is further developed in the chapter "The Influence of the Internet on Relation-ships Between Consumers and Vendors," by Horst Treiblmaier, which offers practical implications for designing the interaction process with online users. The chapters "Social Implications of Distance Education in Alaska" by Bogdan Hoanca and Kenrick Mock, "Strategies for Virtual Learning and E-Entrepreneurship in Higher Education" by Juha Kettunen and Mauri Kantola, and "Social Implications of E-Mentoring: Development of an E-Mentoring Model" by Eddie Blass, Andrew Ettinger and Viki Holton analyze and present the many social implications of e-learning interacting with e-business. "Organisational Challenges of Implementing E-Business in the Public Services: The Case of Britain's National Mapping Agency" by Francesca Andreescu, provides yet another real world example of this section's main concern, understanding the implications, the changes and consequences wrought by the continued emergence of e-business.

Section Six, Managerial Impact, presents contemporary coverage of the managerial applications and implications of electronic business. Managerial impact is always a major factor in the success or failure of business ventures and e-business is no exception. This aspect is explored in chapters such as "Concepts and Challenges of E-Leadership" by Teresa Torres-Coronas and Mario Arias-Oliva, "Evaluating E-Business Leadership and its Link to Firm Performance" by Jing Quan, and "E-CRM and Managerial Discretion" by Tim Coltman and Sara Dolnicar which provide both constructive analysis and methods of evaluating and improving managerial techniques. "Competence of Information Technology Professionals in Internet-Based Ventures" by Tobias Kollmann and Matthias Häsel, "Consumers' Preferences and Attitudes Toward Mobile Office Use: A Technology Trade-Off Research Agenda" by Xin Luo and Merrill Warkentin, and "The Purchasing Agent's View of Online Reverse Auctions" by Peggy D. Lee delve into more specific facets of e-business, looking at not only managerial actions but also the various viewpoints, considerations and experiences of employees, consumers and those actively participating in the e-business experience.

Section Seven, Critical Issues, presents readers with an in-depth analysis of the more theoretical and conceptual issues within this growing field of study by addressing topics such as the quality, security and risk factors in e-business. "A Typology of Interorganizational Relationships: A Marriage, a Fling, or Something in Between" by Wonyoung Lee, Praveen Aggarwal, Hyonkil Shin, Taihoon Cha, and Seunghan Kim dissects the dynamics and considerations surrounding the parameters of the strategic cooperation in partnerships. Security and privacy are also examined and discussed in chapters such as "E-Services Privacy: Needs, Approaches, Challenges, Models, and Dimensions" by Osama Shata, "Web Services Security in E-Business: Attacks and Countermeasures" by Wei-Chuen Yau and G. S. V. Radha Krishna Rao, and "A Security Blueprint for E-Business Applications" by Jun Du and Yuan-Yuan Jiao. This section also includes a complete discussion of risk management with chapters such as "Electronic Risk Management- by Tapen Sinha and Bradly Condon, which highlight this important consideration. In all, this section provides the reader with a complete view of the factors anyone must consider before engaging in electronic business.

The concluding section of this authoritative reference tool, Emerging Trends, highlights research potential within the field of electronic business while exploring uncharted areas of study for the advancement of the discipline. "A Roadmap for Ambient E-Service: Applications and Embracing Model" by Yuan-Chu Flwang and Soe-Tsyr Yuan, "A Survey on Neural Networks in Automated Negotiations" by loannis Papaioannou, loanna Roussaki and Miltiades Anagnostou, and "Patterns for Designing Agent-Based e-Business Systems" by Michael Weiss provide a broad picture of new and developing arenas for the application of e-business. "Global Trends of Payment Systems and the Next-Generation RTGS Project in Japan" by Masaaki Nakajima chronicles the advancements taking place in Japan and closely analyses the Next Generation Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) systems features and benefits. Also discussed are the future trends in topics as diverse as future government regulations, e-health systems, dispute resolution and consumer perception to give any reader cutting-edge knowledge of the electronic business world.

Although the contents of this multi-volume book are organized within the preceding eight sections which offer a progression of coverage of important concepts, methodologies, technologies, applications, social issues, and emerging trends, the reader can also identify specific contents by utilizing the extensive indexing system listed at the end of each volume. Furthermore, to ensure that the scholar, researcher, and educator have access to the entire contents of this multi-volume set, as well as additional coverage that could not be included in the print version of this publication, the publisher will provide unlimited, multi-user electronic access to the online aggregated database of this collection for the life of the edition free of charge when a library purchases a print copy. In addition to providing content not included within the print version, this aggregated database is also continually updated to ensure that the most current research is available to those interested in electronic business.

As e-business practices become more and more prevalent, the benefits and risk involved must be weighed carefully. Consumers and business associates alike demand that e-business run as smoothly and efficiently as possible; in order to deliver on this promise, one must have a clear view of not only the soaring possibilities represented but also the risks involved. With this knowledge, on is able to actively participate in the increasingly global, dynamically mobile and ever-expanding world of electronic business.

The diverse and comprehensive coverage of e-business in this four-volume, authoritative publication will contribute to a better understanding of all topics, research, and discoveries in this developing, significant field of study. Furthermore, the contributions included in this multi-volume collection series will be instrumental in the expansion of the body of knowledge in this enormous field, resulting in a greater understanding of the fundamentals while also fueling the research initiatives in emerging fields. We at Information Science Reference, along with the editor of this collection, hope that this multi-volume collection will become instrumental in the expansion of the discipline and will promote the continued growth of e-business.

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