Look What You Can Make With Dozens of Household Items!: Over 500
Pictured Crafts and Dozens of More Ideas!
edited by
Hank Schneider (Boyds Mills Press) Appropriate for use
in Grades 4-6, and younger with help.
What’s better than a craft
book? How about a binder full of craft books?
Look What You Can Make With Dozens of Household Items! is a
collection of 8 craft books including easy-to-follow instructions
for more than 500 different projects. All the crafts are made from
household materials, using simple techniques that work. Clear color
photos of the finished products make it even easier to follow the
Look What You Can Make With Dozens of Household Items!
includes crafts
Especially engaging are the shiny tube robot, the hobby zebra also
made out of a tube, sparkling spirals as party decorations made out
of paper plates, and the puppet theater and puppets made out of egg
cartons. Each book has a labeled tab to make access easy, but
finding something you’ve seen before can be tricky, since the book
does not have an overall index.
This set of eight books provides a wealth of idea sparkers for many hours of craft-making fun for children of all ages. As a grandma who loves crafts, I know what that means: there’s a lot of fun stuff here to do with my two granddaughters! Look What You Ca݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂ ݂ ݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂ ݂ ݂ ݂݂ ݂ ݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂ ݂ !݂!"݂"#݂#$݂$%݂%&݂&'݂'(݂()݂)*݂*+݂+,݂,-݂-.݂./݂/0݂01݂12݂23݂34݂45݂56݂67݂78݂89݂9:݂:;݂;<݂<=݂=>݂>?݂?@݂@A݂AB݂BC݂CD݂DE݂EF݂FG݂GH݂HI݂IJ݂JK݂KL݂LM݂MN݂NO݂OP݂PQ݂QR݂RS݂ST݂TU݂UV݂VW݂WX݂XY݂YZ݂Z[݂[\݂\]݂]^݂^_݂_`݂`a݂ab݂bc݂cd݂de݂ef݂fg݂gh݂hi݂ij݂jk݂kl݂lm݂mn݂no݂op݂pq݂qr݂rs݂st݂tu݂uv݂vw݂wx݂xy݂yz݂z{݂{|݂|}݂}~݂~݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂݂