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Tarot de Marseille

"LE CODE SACRE DU TAROT" THE CODE OF THE SACRED TAROT: The rediscovery of the original nature: THE TAROT OF MARSEILLE by Wilfried Houdouin (Editions TrajectoirE)

This book is now only in French, with over 200 photographs and illustrations all in color, presented for the first time to the public the original structure and meaning of the Tarot de Marseille, expressing its philosophical excellence and practical construction of its symbolic icons, the "game of the World Government" common to all humankind.

Entirely generated by the sacred geometry of the Cube of Metatron, an archetypal cosmological matrix of the universe, the Tarot de Marseille is a model of the intelligible world. THE TAROT OF MARSEILLE has been vehicle for centuries of freemasonic symbolism as the sacred science of ancient builders. It communicates the happy know-how, an esoteric and timeless and philosophy of the good life to all those who respond to the invitation to cross the gate of THE TAROT OF MARSEILLE Major Arcana, and to penetrate its sublime mysteries. This book presents to the public for the first time clear indications about:

  • The nature and meaning of the original Tarot card game. Its fascinating and mysterious secret origin, its structure and its raison d’être as the subject of a secular quest for self-identity and autonomy, unveiling a surprising response about basic points heretofore obscured until the publication of this book.
  • The sacred geometry structure, iconography and organization of the Tarot called "Marseille", and the demonstration that it is the most exacting model of the archetypal Tarot, especially in connection with the complete analog code of DNA, our genetic code, the basis of all consciousness and all evolution.
  • The demonstration that the Tarot de Marseille is fully designed according to the codes of sacred art, and  is a guide to an authentic traditional science, reflecting a universal cosmology, traditional but still containing the full spectrum of human experience.
  • The Tarot of Marseille as a genuine instrument of self-knowledge of the world and the universe, offering a ways into integral personal development. The basic life of the Tarot de Marseille is defined by a rigorous mathematical theory that provides a semiotics to understand its language and a way to read Tarot cards in a fun and intuitive, clear and effective, even if you are beginner.

ISBN: 978-2841975174


"Language of Birds," also called gangue lodging. or. language of the Gods. is an initiation into poetic language of cryptography, which is to give a different meaning to words or a phrase or a set of sounds, either by word games. In addition to the different modes of apprehension of words and sounds, spelling, founded on the mystical symbolism of the letters of words, may return a coded iconic strengthening the meaning of words, as in the hieroglyphs. Fulcanelli tells us in The Dwellings of the Philosophers:. hermetic cabal is a precious key, allowing its possessor to open the doors of the sanctuaries, farms of these books that are works of traditional science, to extract the spirit, to understand the secret meaning. .] Cabal was employed in the Middle Ages by philosophers, scientists, writers, diplomats. Knights of order and wandering knights, minstrels, troubadours and minstrels, students, tourists to the famous magic school of Salamanca, which we call Venusberg, because they said to come from the mountain of Venus, discussing among themselves the language of the gods , also known as gay-science or gaysfavoir our hermetic cabal. [...] Mysterious language of philosophers and disciples of Hermes, the Cabal dominates the teaching of Ars Magna, as the symbolism embraces all L'iconographie. Art and literature and offer a top up the hidden knowledge of their own resources and their ability of expression. [...] These are the two columns mattresses, standing on the cornerstones of philosophical foundations, which support the pediment of the temple of alchemical wisdom The latter, by the relation combine aloire maps between them, produces phonetic relations has multiple interpretations. The names of the cards and earn several levels of meaning, making use of heteroglossia (in linguistic plurality of meaning that can take a single statement), and authorizing same to read words by using phonetic transpositions from one language to another One word can understand the meaning of many, multiplying the layers of meaning that become clearer based on the optical analysis and report cards to each other. The lack of apostrophes, and sometimes separation between (article and the name (LIMPERATRISE, LECHARIOR, LESTOILLE ...) is thus fully justified. In the eighteenth century, the significant change in the name of the Tarot cards will and characterized by alphabetical standardization and modification of traditional denominations, an adaptation was a humanist and rationalist context, marking the end of a centuries-old traditions and the breaches of the mystical relationship of man and nature, consolidated by a symbolic and a living Word, became a dead letter. It is thus understood that the foreign language translation of the names of the cards is an error that completely eliminates these multiple levels of meaning possible. In the traditional sense, the language of birds reflects and expresses the logos She rates the communion of man and nature, famous for his poetry divine unity of creation. It is updated (Spirit and the Word creator, free and fertile in communion with nature that connects all things. In ancient Greece, the arts of divination included the auspices (Latin Spiteri ayes "bird watching.) Presages movements and cries Leuf understand the divine intentions. Some authors attest the antiquity,! existence of a secret language to resent & divium (diviners), introduced to divine messages. Diodorus of Sicily, in his Historical Library, (Book V, 31) says there is a language of the gods: IILS say, indeed, that these men (druids NES) [...] know the divine nature and speak, so to speak, the same language that the gods .... Virgil in the Aeneid (Book III, 360) tells us that the language of oiseauxe is a knowledge of the soothsayer:. Son of Troy, interpreter of the gods, you who hear the will of Phoebus, the tripods, the Iauriers of Claros, you understand the stars and the language of birds and omens announced by their rapid flight, come, speak .. So the angels (from the Greek angelos. Messenger .) intermediate between God and men, were assimilated to birds taking their first bust (griffins among the Sumerians) and, later, the wings only.The language of The Bird, goes back to the earliest times as evidenced by this quote from the Koran: "And Solomon as heir to David and said, 0 men! We were taught the language of birds (ullimna mantiqat-Tayr:) and height of road things ... . (XXVII, 15). And Francois Rabelais in Pantagruel to say: "Only he who knows the language of birds able to understand my books and like the dog to break the bone to find the very substance." Mythological occurrences of the bird as sacred protector, teacher and messenger of heaven are innumerable ¬ wheat. Farid al-Din Attar (1119-1190, Iran), which belongs to the Sufi spiritual tradition of the school of al-Hallade recounts in his book The Language of Birds (Ed. Albin Michel 1996) or a mystical epic 30 000 Birds are in search of their king. The story begins with a welcome speech, which is a ritual function and magic of the Hoopoe, a bird likened to the function of initiation. These birds represent the humanity of the faithful seeking meaning in the world. The Hoopoe, is the Sufi master, called the birds has made a difficult journey that will lead them to the court of their king and they will meet a fabulous bird, the Simurgh. Some follow the Hoopoe, others refuse, merely spells land. Attar here is a parable of the initiatory quest Sufi oil are some insiders as they access the meaning of words, others refuse to do so and remain in a common language. The thirty survivors experienced the ultimate journey of revelation: the Simurgh was their own essence, previously buried deep within the EWC itself. For Attar, both men and birds have different languages: no birds singing the same as the other. However, insiders share the same language: the mystical language that unites man has the whole of Creation. Also, the poet Hakim Abu'l-Qasim Firdawsi Tusu (935-1020) tale, in the Shah Nameb (Book of Lords), how Zal, the son of Army General of albinos Saam, was rejected by his father, who saw in his pallor that was the sign! child of demons, and abandoned on Mount Alborz. Zal's crying reached the ears of Simurgh, who saved him and Feleva. The benevolent Simurgh, which emit an informed, educated Zal in wisdom, and protected him against the adversities of his life. Ahmed Mubarak, says `Abd al-'Aziz al-Dabbagh, a great Sufi who lived in Fez at the end of the sixteenth and early seventeenth century, mentioned in the Kitab al-lbriz (pure guestbook) which contains the teachings of his master Sheikh Dabbagh, (the existence of an original language, used by the angel and named Language Siryanite. According to the Moroccan Sufi poet, it exists in every language and is in another sense than that statement, the real meaning & ant gives his ¬ pronunciation and not in its writing. It is also the language of the saints Brands. On a legend after Islamic inscriptions in it are siryani on the trunk of Arsh (Tree of Knowledge) and on the gate of Paradise, which also have the power to speak to the dead in the language of God. For Ahmed Mubarak, the stryani is also isolated in 0lettres., opening sura of the Qur'an which no Muslim theologian has given explanation to date, such as 0Alif - Um - Mime who opens the Surah Al 2 Baquara. Long before the Koran, the Vedas! Indus also refer to a solar primary language and poetic language of a legendary and original land of the primordial tradition that the Vedic texts are symbolically pole. In the Tarot de Marseille, the symbolism of the bird as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, and as a transmitter of knowledge, is found in the XVII LESTOILLE blades or the 0parlee bird has the ear of the woman kneeling by the river, and XXI of the world where bird (the Phoenix) stands in all its glory. In the Tarot the bird is linked to ESPE (swords), the second Four Elements Arcane Minor (Chapter VI), traditionally associated with Air and equates to the Quintessence. Air is ('element that bears the divine Word that affect the flight and the birds singing in the air. It is thus that the sword is represented in the mouth of Christ, the two edges of the blade shown both sides of the spiritual power, creative but also destructive, as well as the Word who is the echo. "He in his right hand seven stars. From his mouth comes a sharp sword has two edges, and his face was like the sun shining in its strength. 1 ... He that hath an ear let him hear what (' Spirit says to the churches: He that overcometh shall not suffer the second death. Unto the angel as a Church of Pergamum: These things saith he that hath the sharp sword with two edges ... Repent therefore; otherwise I will come to you bientet, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth Revelation, I: 16, II: 11, 12, 16 (King James Version, 1910). Note that this is not the sword in the mouth of Christ, but the mouth, the power of the Word prevail over all others.


Daniel Rodés and Encarna Sánchez have been studying the symbols present in the Tarot for over 25 years. International teachers Tarot and Tarot of Marseilles, large specialists initiated research on historical sources of original documents from the 13th century, the study of the oldest collector cards that are preserved and from intensive analysis and comparison between the different available materials began to discover step-by-step, line by line, color to color, each and every detail that had remained hidden for generations of images from the deck.

From this work many symbols have again come to light, symbols had lost and appearing as simple lines or shapes were not any sense in the recent Tarots of Marseilles. Now the Tarot retrieves again its coherence and logic own drawing in addition a great symbolic content. Among the numerous discoveries made could highlight: the lectern holding the book of the Pope, allowing understand the illogical position of your hand right not holding the book but it was played by above, the currency of the wizard that appears now half hidden two hats of the Bishops of the letter from the Pope as well as the position of the hands in prayer, the children of the Sun, the side of the letter from the House of God, door wall towers attitude in the letter of the Temperance River the discovery of the area of the world in the hands of the arcane character 21st, the clouds of the Angel of the judgment which are the same as ACE Bastos, etc.

On the other hand this deck has letters measures the ratio aúrea, i.e. the so-called canon of beauty, the divine proportion, or number of gold, represented mathematically by 1.618.

This proportion had disappeared from the current games, although some had a difference of millimetres. Also been respected the original name in French and Roman numeral as it appears in the ancient decks.

Background of sheets is gilded. You may note that all preserved older cards have something in common, the background color of the "gold leaf" a golden plate that returns very bright drawing. Only centuries later, when popularized, the use of Tarot as a simple game of chance or divination begins to use mass reproduction methods and poor quality paper that contributes to changes in color separation or in some cases is simply black and white line drawings.

This deck has attempted to recover the idea of the golden background, since on the one hand tells us the light of the spirit, helps us develop intuition and other images of the old icons reminds us. In fact there is a close relationship between the Tarot and the old icons. These were painted boxes with a special technique, the golden background and red letters. An icon could represent a Saint or a biblical passage. But could also placed in the company of others, creating what is called a "iconographic mandala", a structure of boxes that form, as a whole, a history and a number of relationships. Not remember this exactly the shape of the Tarot? A letter tells us things, but when together several train a story, a sequence, which gives us the thread of interpretation.

An icon is used to meditate, or more precisely, to front of it, begin to hear what that image we streams. The Tarot is the same, we see a figure and it begins to send us ideas, insights or pictures that arrive to our mind. This sense of the spiritual connection corresponds to an attitude to listen, provide ears to disclosure, rather than try to ask the image that we want to detain.


A Tarot deck consists of a total of 78 cards, divided into 3 groups: 22 of the Major Arcana, 40 of the Minor Arcana divided into 4 series of ten each, the so-called suits, and sixteen face cards, representing the page, queen, king, and knight for each suit. These three sections, although distinct, share a unity of content in that it is possible to find numerous symbolic relations among all the cards.

To come into contact with Tarot is to encounter our own unconscious, to find a magic and marvelous world in which we can uncover the messages and pointers that our very souls try to send us via the unconscious.

Tarot uses a symbolic language, which immediately alerts us to the importance of learning the details of each card and the need to have a deck that displays all of the symbols required for correct interpretation. Using Tarot cards we can carry out the same tasks that a dream analyst world undertake; in fact the processes are quite similar, both of them being based as they are on interpretation. The law of synchronicity, analogy, correspondence, and the association of ideas are all contained in the structure upon which the set is based.

Becoming a good interpreter of Tarot demands years of study and practice, but the cards themselves become, over time, the true masters; they develop their own intuition and they reveal their secrets to us through their practiced use.

Many tales abound concerning the origins of Tarot. One of the most widespread of these is the claim that they originated in ancient Egypt. This story has its origin in Antoine Court de Gébelin, a tarot expert who, in 1781, recounted how he had had a dream in which he found himself in the temple of the Sphinx, in Egypt, surrounded by walls painted with Tarot cards. From this occurrence the idea emerged and grew that the dream represented a real temple. This in turn gave rise in the nineteenth century to the so-called Egyptian Tarot, a modern invention that bears absolutely no relation to the true tradition of initiates. The supposed Egyptian origin of Tarot has never been proved simply because there are no archeological finds in Egypt that even remotely support the claim that Tarot existed in that civilization. Another theory attributes the invention of Tarot to the Gypsies. This claim also lacks historical rigor, in that there were already references in Europe in the fourteenth century to the game of 'naips ', or cards, while the Gypsies had yet to arrive on the continent from their migrations.

Finally, an even more fantastic claim is made for the origin of tarot in the Moroccan city of Fez, where, it is said, in the year 200 A.D. wise men from the world over gathered with the express purpose of devising a way to transmit their knowledge to posterity. Tarot would be the result, according to this theory.

In fact, the oldest tarot cards that we know of are from Italy (Visconti Sforza, sixteenth century) and France (Gringoneur beginning of the sixteenth century, Noblet seventeenth century, Vieville seventeenth century).

Nonetheless, it is from the eighteenth century onwards that the Marseille tarot cards that we know today begin to appear, with the Dodal Tarot of 1701. This century was a time of flourishing creation of imagery, and in these images we find the pattern that has come down to us today. The Marseille Tarot, in essence, has become the most universal. To find its origins we need to look in the historical sources and indirect references coming from the Middle Ages, given that no actual sample of cards themselves from any time earlier than the sixteenth century has survived to this day.

A number of studies agree in ascribing the birth of tarot to the thirteenth century, although with time the deck has undergone numerous transformations. Yet it has always kept its basic ideas and the structural model has not changed.

Furthermore, the fact that tarot was used in the fourteenth century by certain communities of Christian monks, such as the Cassinese Benedictines of France, would seem to indicate that the meaning of the cards does not lie in divination, but rather in a means for showing Christian spiritual knowledge; that is, the cards were used as a tool for meditation and reflection upon the path of the spiritual life. This would seem to explain why the Catholic Church saw the need to prohibit the use of tarot cards in monastic communities in the fourteenth century, deeming their use as "heresy". It's an interesting choice of words, really. Tarot was not proscribed as "witchcraft", or "superstition", or "sorcery", which is what one would expect if they had been used by sorcerers, but rather as "heresy". The word is revealing of the aim of the prohibition to suppress a philosophical system or attempt to explain the spiritual truths outside the official dogma of the Catholic Church. In effect, the prohibition is also at the same time a kind of recognition of the profound philosophical content of Tarot.

Daniel Rodes and Encarna Sánchez have been studying the symbols used in Tarot for more than 25 years. Internationally renowned teachers of tarot and specialists in Marseille Tarot, they began their studies researching the historical origins of tarot by studying original documents from the thirteenth century and by examining the oldest decks in existence from the private collections of enthusiasts. Through intensive work comparing the various materials available they have been able to uncover, step by step, line by line, color by color; each and every detail that had remained hidden for generations within the images of the tarot deck.

From their efforts numerous symbols have re-emerged into the light of day, symbols that had been lost and which had appeared in Marseille tarot cards until now as simple lines or forms with no apparent meanings. Now Tarot has recovered the coherence and logic of its drawings as well as their great symbolic content. Among the many rediscoveries, the most outstanding include the lectern supporting the Female Pope's book, which accounts for the heretofore unnatural position of her right hand pressed down upon the book rather than holding it up; the Magician's coin, which appears half hidden; the two hats of the bishops on the Pope card with their hands poised in prayer; the towers in the wall of the children on the Sun card; the side door on the House of God card; the river in the card of Temperance; the discovery of the sphere of the world in the hands of the character of the Arcana XXI card, the clouds of the angel of the Judgement, which are the same as those of the ace of clubs, and many others.

Additionally, the present deck itself exemplifies the golden proportion; that is, the so-called canon of beauty, the divine proportion, or golden number, represented mathematically by 1,618. This proportion had disappeared from tarot decks, although some of them were only off by millimeters. The original French naming and the roman numerals have also been maintained as they appeared in older sets.

The background of the cards is golden in color. It is in fact the case that the oldest preserved tarots sets all have one thing in common: they share a background having the color of golden bread which highlights the image upon it. It was only in later centuries, when Tarot had been vulgarized till it became a simple parlor game of chance or divination, that poor quality paper stock was used in the cards, with a resulting variation in the color, which in some cases was reduced to a simple white.

In this set every effort has been made to recover the idea of a golden background, which serves both to suggest spiritual light and help develop intuition and to remind us of the images in the oldest icons. In fact there is a strong link between tarot and ancient icons. These were, and are, paintings executed with a special technique upon a golden background and using red lettering. An icon might represent a saint or a passage from the Bible. But it might also be hung in the company of other icons, thereby constituting a complete iconography, a structured set of paintings that together form a story or a series of relations. Isn't this exactly the case with Tarot? A card tells us things, but by putting several of them together we encounter a story, a sequence, which provides us with the thread for interpretation.

An icon is for meditating, or to put it more correctly, is something to mediate before, to begin to listen to what the image can transmit to us. The same is true of Tarot: we contemplate a figure, and it in turn transmits ideas, intuitions, and images to our minds. This sense of spiritual connection is closer to an altitude of stopping and listening, to pay attention to the revelation, rather than trying to ask the image to give us what we want from it.


Freedom. Qualities for working with Tarot. Starting a: job, a relationship, a friendship, a program of study. Awakening of creativity and originality. Ingenious ideas. Investment in the stock market. Business related to the arts. Travel. Astrology. Information science. Electronics. Everything in progress. Moving house. Children. Spirit wishing to take form. Faithfulness. Good friends. Independence. Leaving behind the past. The interior force unconsciously pushing us.

Inverted: Mental blockage, anxiety, depression, paralysis. Lateness in journeys. Madness. Phobias, obsessions. Impedance. Feeling of abandonment. Financial imbalance. Theft. Loss of possessions or money. Rejection of unconscious impulses.


Action. Beginning to live experiences that will afford us knowledge. Vital force. Work Hope. Ability. Skill. Lawyer. Surgeon. Eloquence. Craft. Artist.

Inverted: Job loss. Lack of hope and will. Lack of creativity. Abandoning the earth. Lack of energy. Eternal beginnings.


The wisdom of God that lies beyond human creation. Books. Study. Register. Documents. Notaries. Laws. Waiting. Qualifying examinations. Social institutions. Passivity. Social worker. Waiting for results of medical tests. Internalization. Accumulation. Keeping secrets. Psychologist. Schoolteacher. Wills.

Inverted: Lack of memory. Hurdles in getting permits. People who hide their intentions. Lack of virtue. Problems with documents. Witchcraft.


Expansion and growth. Love that develops the internal emphasis. Tests of unconditional love, maternal love. Fruitfulness. Fertility. Baptism. Cleanliness, love of nature, natural medicine, the country, plants. Projects. Visualization. Generosity. Offering assistance to others. Beauty, diet. Loss of the fear of love. Pregnancy. Mother figure.

Inverted: Possessive love. Dominant, castrating mother. Manipulation. Lack of vision, lack of ideas, stillborn projects. Ruptures, abortions. Infidelity. Lack of understanding. Lack of hygiene, greed, selfishness.


Being concrete and material. Grandness of spirit. Architect. Construction. Mathematics and geometry. Director. Politician. Authority. Science. Law and order. Stability. Abundance. Generosity. Signing of contracts. Father figure.

Inverted: Bad leadership. Disorganization. Legal troubles. Insecurity. Tyranny. Abandonment of the home. Rigid, authoritarian father. Lack of generosity. Mental imbalance. Absence of the father


Perceiving. Knowing. Intuiting things that cannot be seen. Transmitting. Showing. Developing the third eye. Activating the internal senses. Communication between parents and children. Teachers and students. The internal teacher. Study. Schools. Giving and receiving advice. Psychologist. Physician. Priest. Judge. The supreme law Technicians, lawyers. Social institutions, universities.

Inverted: Communication problems. Difficulties in expressing ideas through language. Difficulties in studies. Having to learn how to listen.


Receiving divine aid. Choice. Love. Brothers and sisters. Family get-togethers. Companions. Union. Marriage. Creativity. Art. Inspiration. Doing what the heart commands. Parties. Meetings. Examinations. Energetic curing.

Inverted: Lack of love. Doubts. Problems of couples. Lack of honesty Infidelity. Vices. Union in exchange for something. Family arguments. Quarrels with friends and companions.

THE CHARIOT (LE CHARRIOT) Communication with the public. Teamwork. Leadership. Daring spirit. Will to win. Journalism. Audiovisual. Theater. Transportation. Driving. Import-Export. Success. Triumph. Overcoming fears. Lover. Travel. Foreigner. Politician. Orator.

Inverted: Brake on life. Indecisiveness. Moodiness. Insecurity. Accidents. Mechanical breakdowns. Cars with problems. Problems in moving house and transportation.


The power of divine justice. Karma. Institutions. Qualifying examinations. Examinations. Favorable judicial decisions. State revenue. Balance. Honor. Truth. Rectitude. Cooperation. Inter-relations. Lawyers. Lawsuits. Laws. Surgical operations. Contracts. Real estate purchases, sales, and rentals.

Inverted: Disequilibria. Being unfair to oneself and to others. Falseness. Audits. Lost lawsuits. Not reaching objectives. Divorces. Prison. Illegal situation. Impediments. False friends. Death.

THE HERMIT (L'HERMITE) Messenger. Search for light and truth. Laboratories and research. Biology. Geriatrics. Hearing. Startup crisis. Prudence. Slowness. Companies related with communication. Highways. The press. Telephony. Knowing how to keep quiet and wait.

Inverted: Crisis, loneliness, lack of light, problems in communicating. Impatience. Recklessness.


Everything returns and everything is repeated. What goes up comes down. The cycles. Everything has a beginning and an end. Changing house. What goes out of our lives will come back. Moving house. Births. Good luck. Prosperity. The mutable. We need to take control of our lives, we can't be influenced. Emotional ups and downs.

Inverted: Instability. Loss of mate. Danger of accidents. Loss of money. Compulsive gambling. Mechanical breakdowns. Death. Addiction to bingo and gambling.


Willpower. Self-control. Diplomacy. Love and kindness overcome violence. Speaking. Singing. Mantra. Pets. Animal protectors. Heightened sexual activity in balance. Martial arts. Chi, or the vital force. Aggressiveness which is converted into courage and vigor.

Inverted: Violence. Uncontrolled passions. Anger and arguments. Abuse of women. Fear of speaking. Lack of self-respect and self-confidence.

THE HANGED MAN (LE PENDU) Capacity to accept difficult situations. Unconditional love. Servile attitude. Profession. Mission. Hoping. Self-restraint. Unemployment. Fetus about to be born. Radiesthesia or dowsing, the ability to detect "radiation" within the human body. A form of divination using rods or pendulums, or aural sensing.

Inverted: Paralysis. Doubts. Arrest. Feeling tied to a person or a situation. Debts. Financial loss. Problems with love and with the family. Difficulties in childbirth.


Limitations that we have to get around. Definitive breaking off. Transformation. Contact with happy beings. Agriculture. Harvest. Overcoming fear. Independence. Indifference.

Inverted: Selfishness. Sadness. Violence. Low self-esteem. Emotional problems. Breakage and loss of goods. Losses in the family.


Moderation. Flexibility. Difficult tests that require patience. Adaptation. Medicine and pharmacy. Helpful person. Economy and savings. Good idea, but before its time. Mediator. Negotiator. Guardian angel.

Inverted: Incurable illnesses. Lack of flexibility. Person who rejects your help. Lack of savings. Stalled time. Lack of movement.


Instinctive primitive impulses. Repressed traumas. Hidden secret things. Sexuality. Nutrition. Spontaneity and creativity. Survival instinct. Norms, traffic, police, detectives. Being tied to a situation or a person. Prison. Concealed amorous relations.

 Inverted: Legal problems. Unmet requirements. Lies. Betrayals. Infidelity. Sexual problems. Alcohol, drugs. Tobacco. Tied to someone by sexual relations. Bad instincts. Theft. Seizures of assets. Fines. Schizophrenia.


Transformation. Renewal of ideas. Hospital. Factory. Stability which is broken. Fertilization. Change of house or job. Separation. Freedom from a tie that binds. Prosperity that comes out of nowhere. New opportunities.

Inverted: Hurdles. Loss of family member. Loss of money. Mechanical failures in the house. Accidents. Dangers. Not being able to leave the hospital. Pride. Arrogance. Premature ejaculation or male sexual problems.


Harmony. Beauty. Heavenly state. Hope. Love of nature. Smell of flowers. Natural medicine. Art. Fruitful projects. Investments. Understanding the signs. Synchronicity. Baths. Study of the stars.

Inverted: Despair. Smashed hopes. Infertility. Losses. Wastes. Anemia and weakness. Life divorced from nature. Coolness.


Memory. Repressed emotions. Clairvoyance. Nighttime. The cosmic world. Ancestors. Our own forbears. Creativity. Past lives. Reconciliation. Freedom from traumas and complexes. Discotheques. On-duty nighttime physicians and pharmacies. Ballrooms. Sea voyages.

Inverted: Lies and deceit. Criticism. Traumas and complexes. Conflict with the mother image. Hidden loves. Double personality. Hypocrisy. Betrayal. Jealousy. Enemies. Cancer. Poor food. Anorexia.


Personal power. Source of divine energy that acts upon our material being. Brotherly love. Compassion. Forgiveness. Acceptance of others. Dynamism. Sports. Children, brothers and sisters, fun games. Construction, expansion. Leader who draws along the masses. Work aplenty. Earnings. Summer and vacations. Get-together with brothers and sister, or with friends. Healing, magnetization.

Inverted: Loss of love. Loss in the family. Falling out among brothers and sisters, or among friends. Problems with children. Delays. Lack of light. Lack of happiness. Financial problems. Obstacles in construction.


Examinations. Schoolteachers. Communication. Clairvoyance. Group formation. Advertising. Computer science. Radiation. Journalism. People with a mission to guide souls and show them the path that leads to the light. Prayer. Indigo children. Test-tube babies. Music. Change of atmosphere. Popularity. Broadening of knowledge. Language. Healing. Phone calls. Job interviews.

Inverted: Lost lawsuits. Losing a trial. Problems in communication. Slander. Lack of publicity. Family break-ups. Death. Lack of faith. Low astral plane energy.


Maximum development. World of relations. Society. Awards and honors. Dance and gymnastics. Realization in the world. Having the world in your hands. Prevailing. Animals. Personal triumph. End of studies. Social climbing. Flights. Theater. Museums. Conventions. Fetus in the womb.

Inverted: Difficulty in childbirth. Cloistering. Death. Impossibility of childbirth. End of a stage. Relationship that comes to an end. Problems in inheritance and patrimony.

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