The Public Intellectual by Helen Small (Blackwell) In
this exciting and timely book, prestigious thinkers such as Edward Said,
Jacqueline Rose, Bruce Robbins, and Stefan Collini discuss the role of writers
and intellectuals today and in the past, examining the ways in which thought can
be publicly expressed, and how it may relate or fail to relate to activism.
Their combined responses represent a major and long overdue riposte to claims of
a decline in public intellectual life. The volume significantly extends the
historical range of most writing about intellectuals, exploring the relationship
between thought, professionalism, and public action from Hellenistic late
antiquity onward. Other essays in this collection are immediately contemporary
in focus, addressing the ways in which the idea of the public intellectual is
being reformed today in different political and national contexts and in
different media, including film and the visual arts.
Disciplined Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the
Soul-Battering System That Shapes Their Lives by Jeff Schmidt
(Rowman & Littlefield) This is as important as it is a controversial work.
Simply it shows how our institutions deeply affect individual integrity at many
levels of professional life. Eye-opening and forcefully political. Highly
recommended. Author’s preface: This book is stolen. Written in part on stolen
time, that is. I felt I had no choice but to do it that way. Like millions of
others who work for a living, I was giving most of my prime time to my employer.
My job simply did not leave me enough energy for a major project of my own, and
no one was about to hire me to pursue my own vision, especially given my
irreverent attitude toward employers. I was working in
Sociology and Society is a series of four textbooks designed as
an introduction to the sociological study of modern society. The books form the
core study materials for The Open University course Sociology and Society
(DD201), which aims to provide an attractive and up‑to‑date introduction to the
key concerns and debates of contemporary sociology. They also take account of
the ways in which sociology has been shaped by dialogue with adjacent
disciplines and intellectual movements, such as cultural studies and women's
studies. More
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